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5 ways to save money on family events

Watching a movie outside.

Find memorable ways to spend time with loved ones this summer.

1. Explore community calendars

Experience all your community offers through free events for kids and adults. From sports and theater to movie nights and festivals, check to see what events your local parks and recreation department or community center has on the calendar.

2. Play outside

Getting active outside is great for your health. Ask a friend or family member to go hiking, biking or take a day trip to a nearby beach or lake. Most state and regional parks offer inexpensive daily passes or even have free admission days. And most community parks are free.

3. Make time at home memorable

Set up a picnic lunch outside, host a movie night in the backyard or enjoy a game night with your family. Buying a fire pit or outdoor pizza oven might feel like a splurge, but it could save you money in the long run as an alternative to going out. You even can consider sharing the cost—and the fun—with your neighbors.

4. Be a tourist in your town

No matter how long you’ve lived in your hometown, there are likely places you haven’t visited yet. Some places, such as museums, galleries or nature preserves, may offer discounted admission days, senior discounts and free activities for kids throughout the summer.

5. Consider annual passes

Does your family regularly visit the local zoo, waterpark or amusement park? Consider an annual pass for the whole family. Additionally, your membership may offer reciprocal benefits with other local attractions that offer your family free or reduced admission to partner destinations in your area and nationwide.
