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Tax resource center

The Thrivent Tax Resource Center is a guide to help you navigate the tax season. For tax information about Thrivent Mutual Funds, please visit the Tax Resource Center related to Thrivent Mutual Funds within Please consult with your tax advisor about your specific tax situation.
Tax resources at your fingertips
See below for:
  • Estimated tax form mailing dates
  • Reasons for receiving a tax form
  • IRS forms and instruction links
  • IRS retirement plan limits
  • Dividend and capital gains & cost basis reporting

More information:

Most tax forms for the year prior will be added online starting Feb. 1. Most brokerage tax forms will be available by late January to mid-February. See estimated mailing dates for additional information

Estimated tax form mailing dates

View the key dates you'll want to know when preparing your taxes.
Estimated tax form mailing dates
January 31
All tax forms (1099s and 5498s) will be mailed by Jan. 31 unless otherwise noted below.
  • Brokerage tax forms
  • Tax forms for mutual funds invested in real estate investment trusts (REITs).

Late January to mid- March
Thrivent Investment Management Brokerage – NFS Accounts
In an effort to reduce the number of corrected tax forms a member may receive, NFS requests an extension from the IRS that allows for mailing 1099 tax statements beyond the mid-February date for accounts holding certain mutual funds or certain complex securities, including unit investment trusts and real estate mortgage investment conduits.

Most brokerage tax forms for the prior tax year will be available online between mid-January and mid-February. They are mailed shortly after that.

April 15
April 15 is the date Federal tax returns are due to the IRS.

Taxpayers requesting an extension will have until Oct. 15 of the current year to file a federal tax return.

May 31
Mail date deadline for Form 5498. The 5498 is no longer generated in January. The Roth Conversion information can be found in Wealthscape Investor under Activity & Orders and Account History which shows the conversion amount, and any taxes withheld. It can also be found on the statement for the month in which the transaction(s) occurred. This shows the amount converted to the Roth IRA, not including taxes withheld.

Reasons for receiving a tax form

Annuities, settlement options, brokerage, life insurance & long-term care insurance
  • Distributions and any related tax withholding from a tax-deferred retirement account.
  • Taxable income due to distributions or maturity on an annuity contract.
  • Dividend release.
  • Death claim payout.
  • Reportable transactions or taxable income from a partial or complete surrender.
  • Lapse in contract.
  • Loan on a modified endowment contract (MEC).
  • Cost of living benefit rider.
  • MEC contract collaterally assigned.
  • Ownership changes.
  • Collateral assignments.
  • Charges for premiums paid on combination contracts.
  • Surplus release.
  • Flexible payout agreement release.
  • PS58 cost of insurance and PS58 cost basis information.
Annuities, settlement options, life insurance & brokerage
  • Interest accrued on discounted premium agreements.
  • Interest on premium refund to remove or reverse a modified endowment contract (MEC) status.
  • Interest on contracts with dividends under the accumulate with interest or surplus refunds on deposit (SROD) options.
  • Interest earnings on premiums paid in advance.
  • Interest paid to member due to a miscellaneous correction or adjustment.
  • Ownership changes.
  • Collateral assignments.
  • Backup withholding.
  • Reports the calendar year earnings on flexible payout deposit agreements or settlement agreements.
  • Death claim interest – reports earnings from the date of death to the date of claim.
  • Dividends and capital gain distributions paid by corporations and mutual funds to a taxable account.
  • Backup withholding.
  • Return of capital distribution in a mutual fund.
  • Sales of shares with fluctuating share prices.
  • Backup withholding.
Long-term care insurance & life insurance
  • Total claim disbursement issued to claimant.
IRAs: Annuities, settlement options & brokerage
  • Contributions to traditional and Roth IRA rollovers made to IRAs.
  • Conversions from a traditional IRA, SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA, or qualified rollover contribution from an eligible retirement plan (other than IRA) to a Roth IRA.
  • SEP and SIMPLE IRA contributions made through the employer during the calendar year.
  • Indicates whether the IRA is subject to required minimum distributions (RMDs) in the following year.
  • Fair market value of IRAs as of Dec. 31.
  • Recharacterizations (changing or undoing a traditional IRA contribution from a Roth IRA contribution, or vice versa).
  • Special postponed contributions (Allied Force, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and taxpayers affected by federally designated disaster areas).
  • Repayment of a qualified reservist distribution or a designated disaster distribution repayment.
  • NOTE: IRA contributions made between Jan. 1 and July 15 of the current year as a contribution for the previous tax year will generate a corrected 5498 tax form in the current year that will be mailed by August 31.

IRS forms and instruction links

IRS forms and instruction links
Frequently requested IRS forms and instructions:

For additional forms and instructions, go to

IRS retirement plan limits

View the current and previous year's IRS retirement plan and catch-up contribution limits, as well as other important tax changes.
Traditional & Roth IRAs

Traditional and Roth IRAs20252024
Traditional and Roth IRA annual contributions.$7,000$7,000
Traditional and Roth IRA catch-up contributions for age 50 and older.$1,000$1,000
Traditional IRA deduction (phaseout) limits1 – single or head of household and active participant in employer plan.More than $79,000 but less than $89,000More than $77,000 but less than $87,000
Traditional IRA deduction (phaseout) limits1 – married filing jointly, contributor is active plan participant and spouse is or is not.More than $126,000 but less than $146,000More than $123,000 but less than $143,000
Traditional IRA deduction (phaseout) limits1 – married filing jointly, contributor is not active plan participant, but spouse is.More than $236,000 but less than $246,000More than $230,000 but less than $240,000
Traditional IRA deduction (phaseout) limits1 – married filing separately.$0 - $10,000$0 - $10,000
Roth IRA contribution (phaseout) income limits2 – single or head of household.More than $150,000 but less than $165,000More than $146,000 but less than $161,000
Roth IRA contribution (phaseout) income limits2 – married filing jointly.More than $236,000 but less than $246,000More than $230,000 but less than $240,000
Roth IRA contribution (phaseout) income limits2 – married filing separately and active plan participant.$0 - $10,000$0 - $10,000
Qualifying Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC) premium limit.Lesser of 25% of aggregate IRA value or $210,000Lesser of 25% of aggregate IRA value or $200,000
Employer-sponsored retirement plans

Employer-sponsored retirement plans20252024
Elective salary deferrals [§402(g) and §457(e)].
  1. Applies to 401(k), 403(b), SARSEP and 457(b) plans.
Catch-up contributions.
  1. Applies to 401(k), 403(b), SARSEP and 457(b) plans.
$7,500 - Age 50+
$11,250 - Age 60-63
Defined contribution plan annual addition limit – total of employer contributions, employee contributions, and forfeitures (does not include catch-up contributions) [§415(c)].
  1. Applies to 401(k), PSP, MPP and 403(b) plans.
Lesser of 100% of pay or $70,000Lesser of 100% of pay or $69,000
Defined benefit pension plan maximum annual benefit [§415(b)].Lesser of 100% of pay or $280,000Lesser of 100% of pay or $275,000
SEP/SARSEP – total of employer contributions and employee contributions (SARSEP only); does not include SARSEP catch-up contributions [§402(h)].Lesser of 25% of pay or $70,000Lesser of 25% of pay or $69,000
SEP minimum compensation to be eligible for an employer contribution.$750$750
SIMPLE IRA and SIMPLE 401(k) salary deferrals [§408(p)(2)].$16,500$16,000
SIMPLE IRA catch-up contributions.$3,500 - Age 50+
$5,250 - Age 60-63
Compensation limit [§401(a)(17)].$350,000$345,000
Social Security taxable wage base.$176,100$168,600

Dividend and capital gains & cost basis reporting

The following cost basis information is to help ensure you have the information you need to make informed decisions about your investment accounts in Thrivent Mutual Funds or Thrivent Managed Accounts.
Dividends & capital gains
See a complete listing of the most recent dividends and capital gains paid to Thrivent shareholders.
Cost basis reporting
Thrivent provides you with important cost basis information to help you calculate your capital gain or loss for tax purposes when you sell shares in nonretirement accounts.

Consult with your tax advisor for help in determining which cost basis method is best for you. Once you provide us with your cost basis election, we will track cost basis for your account using the method of your choice and provide you with the information needed to complete your tax return when you sell your investments. This can save you time and expense when completing your tax returns. IRS regulations also require that we report the cost basis information to the IRS on Form 1099-B for tax purposes.

You can receive complete cost basis information for investments purchased on or after the following dates:
  • Jan. 1, 2011, for equity securities (i.e., common and preferred stock).
  • Jan. 1, 2012, for mutual funds and dividend reinvestment plans.
  • Jan. 1, 2014, for debt securities (including exchange-traded notes) and options.

Thrivent will provide current cost basis information when available for investments that you purchased prior to the dates above. This is for your convenience and will not be reported to the IRS.

Learn more about the cost basis calculation options available for NFS Brokerage Accounts.

Have more questions? Check out the Cost Basis frequently asked questions.
Thrivent and its financial professionals do not provide legal, accounting or tax advice. Consult your attorney or tax professional.

1 Traditional IRA deduction (phaseout) limits and Roth IRA contribution income limits are based on Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI).