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The 2024 Live Generously award: Recognize volunteers' service & inspiration

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Giving back to the community is part of Thrivent’s DNA. To celebrate volunteerism and draw attention to the positive impact brought about by so many, Thrivent created the Live Generously® award. This award honors individuals who exemplify compassion, selflessness and creativity in addressing the needs of others. 

Thrivent’s commitment to service

The Live Generously award is part of Thrivent’s National Volunteer Week activities. Dating back to 1974, National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration recognizing and thanking all who give of their time to support their communities or causes they care about.

Thrivent, a not-for-profit Fortune 500 financial services organization, has a unique approach to volunteer service that stems from a focus on generosity. “We strive to help clients meet their financial goals while encouraging lives of service and faith through membership programs such as Thrivent Action Teams, Thrivent Choice® and the Habitat for Humanity partnership,” says Tricia Brown, vice president of Membership.

The Thrivent Action Teams program kicked off in 2014. In 2023, Thrivent celebrated 1 million volunteer teams. Throughout this time, volunteers have raised more than $1 billion in funds through the Thrivent Action Teams program and gave more than 90 million hours of community service.

Nominate someone for the 2024 Live Generously award

In 2023, Thrivent launched the Live Generously award to recognize all individuals for significant acts of service and generosity. Nominations highlight the life-changing efforts of volunteers including raising thousands of dollars for a child fighting cancer, supporting disabled military veterans through team sports and forming nonprofits in support of personal causes.

Curious about previous Live Generously award recipients?

Check out their outstanding examples of service.
Get inspired

Do you know someone who embraces a lifestyle of generosity and made a meaningful difference this past year? Did he or she see a challenge and come up with a creative solution to help? 

You can submit a nomination through April 27. You do not need to be a Thrivent client to nominate or receive the award.

How will award recipients be selected?

Five honorees will be chosen by a panel of three Thrivent leaders with expertise in charitable work and communications.

Criteria for recognition includes:

  • Addressing a demonstrated community need or concern.
  • Showing a real impact through tangible outputs and outcomes of the volunteer activity. Examples include the amount of money raised, number of people that received the services, etc.
  • Reflecting innovative or unique approaches to solving for the need or concern at hand.

The five honorees will have the opportunity to select an organization to receive a $1,000 donation from Thrivent and will be featured in an upcoming issue of Thrivent Magazine.

Nominate a volunteer today!

Live Generously Award Contest Rules

Member benefits and programs are not guaranteed contractual benefits. The interpretation of the provisions of these benefits and programs is at the sole discretion of Thrivent. Membership benefits are reviewed and evaluated regularly. Thrivent reserves the right to change, modify, discontinue, or refuse to provide any of the membership benefits or any part of them, at any time.

You should never purchase or keep insurance or annuity products to be eligible for nonguaranteed membership benefits. You should only purchase and keep insurance and annuity products that best meet the financial security needs of you and your family. Consider the cost, features, and benefits of specific insurance and/or annuity products