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File a claim

Need to file an insurance claim? We’ll make the process as supportive, simple and swift as possible.

Action Teams

If you want to make an impact in your community but aren't sure where to begin, we're here to help.
Illustration of stairs and arrow pointing upward

Contact support

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Need to discuss a complex question? Let us know—we’re happy to help.
Use the search bar above to find information throughout our website. Or choose a topic you want to learn more about.

You're done!

After all recipients finish signing, your documents will be submitted for processing. You will also receive an email with a link to your documents.

Have questions? We're here to help.

Does the person who sent this to me know that I've signed and I'm done?

Once all signers have finished, your Financial Professional will receive an email notification that the documents are complete.

Who do I contact with questions about these documents?

Reach out to your financial advisor or contact our Client Care Operations at 800-847-4836 with any questions regarding these documents. Visit our frequently asked questions.

How do I get back to my documents?

Once all signers have finished signing the Thrivent documents electronically, you will be notified via email. You can access the documents by opening the completed notification email that is sent to you once all parties have finished signing. You will have the ability to print or download the documents. You will be asked to reauthenticate anytime you view it. Documents will be available for 14 days. To obtain a paper copy, please contact our Client Care Operations at 800-847-4836.