As you've been saving for retirement with a 401(k), IRA or other tax-advantaged account over the last several years, you've likely been relying on existing widened tax brackets, tax rates, deductions and exemptions for the basis of your future planning.
But since 2018, these areas have all been affected by taxpayer-friendly adjustments made by the
That means that unless Congress takes action, significant tax law changes are on the horizon. Before they take effect is the best time to find out what the implications might be for your retirement income strategy and decide what you can do to preserve your money's tax efficiency.
In this article, we'll cover:
What taxes did the TCJA change? How the TCJA sunset affects retirees and RMDs How it affects your heirs Tax moves to take now
What taxes did the TCJA change?
The TCJA ushered in sweeping federal tax code changes, and most of them are scheduled to expire on Dec. 31, 2025. Here are the key topic areas that taxpayers need to pay attention to:
Marginal income tax rates
The TCJA lowered marginal rates for most
Taxable income (2024, single taxpayer) | Current marginal rate (per TCJA) | Post-TCJA marginal rate (2026) |
$11,600 or less | 10% | 10% |
$11,601–$47,150 | 12% | 15% |
$47,151–$100,525 | 22% | 25% |
$100,526–$191,950 | 24% | 28% |
$191,951–$243,725 | 32% | 33% |
$243,726–$609,350 | 35% | 35% |
$609,351 or more | 37% | 39.60% |
Act now to save on taxes later
Standard & itemized deductions
The TCJA nearly doubled the
The TCJA also changed personal exemptions, child tax credits, and deductions such as SALT, mortgage and home equity, and charitable contributions.
Estate & gift tax exemptions
The TCJA also more than doubled the federal individual lifetime
How the TCJA sunset may affect retirees & their RMDs
Once the TCJA expires, marginal tax rates will rise for most tax brackets. Many people will have to pay higher taxes on their retirement account distributions.
This can have an outsized effect on retirees when you consider that many tax-deferred savings vehicles, such as 401(k) and traditional IRA accounts, have
If you have money in a retirement account that has RMDs, simply stopping withdrawals after the TCJA sunsets in 2025 to avoid higher taxation isn't an option (not without incurring a financial penalty, anyway). So you should start anticipating this effect on your
The TCJA expiration could affect your heirs, too
Do your legacy plans include leaving an IRA to your child or grandchild? The post-TCJA tax rate hikes could have multigenerational ripple effects in the form of higher tax bills on distributions your beneficiary takes from that IRA after 2025.
Compounding these potential concerns are the rules recently established by the SECURE Act of 2019 and the
Those annual RMDs—and other distributions taken over the span of a decade—all will be

Estate tax planning: Tips to help you pass on your wealth
5 tax moves to consider now before the 2017 tax cuts expire
The TCJA sunset's repercussions for your retirement and wealth transfer plans may depend on how your financial accounts are structured. If you have a good grasp on how your accounts are taxed, you'll be better equipped to consider the best ways to maneuver your money in the most tax-efficient ways.
1. Understand tax now, tax later and tax never
In general, retirement savings and investment accounts fall within three categories: taxable, tax-deferred and tax-free. These also are described as "tax now," "tax later" and "tax never."
Tax now. You've already paid income taxes on the money you contribute to tax now accounts. You also pay taxes on gains as they accumulate. Some examples are checking and savings accounts, mutual funds and certificates of deposit.
Tax later. With tax later accounts, income taxes aren't due on earnings until you take distributions. Examples include 401(k), 403(b) and traditional IRA accounts (funded with pre-tax dollars) and fixed and variable annuities (funded with after-tax dollars).
Tax never. After funding a tax never account with after-tax dollars, subsequent earnings and distributions usually aren't ever subject to federal income taxes. Examples of this type are Roth IRAs, municipal bonds and cash-value life insurance.
Given how rising tax rates and RMDs could affect your tax later accounts soon, you may want to assess the assets you have now and consider making some moves—with an eye toward tax never solutions.
2. Weigh if it's worth doing a Roth conversion
If you
3. Consider purchasing life insurance
The primary purpose of
4. Set up pathways to transfer your wealth early
If generosity is part of your long-term financial plan, you might consider giving some gifts sooner rather than later. The TCJA substantially increased the
5. Make plans to give to charitable causes
Through 2025, you can deduct charitable gifts up to 60% of your AGI. That ceiling drops to 50% once the TCJA expires. So if you intend to make some large gifts in the coming years, you may want to front-load your giving to maximize your tax benefits. You may be able to lower your taxable income by implementing
Time's running out to capitalize on the TCJA
The end of 2025 will mark the TCJA's sunset and the closing of a window of opportunity.
If you're in or near retirement, it makes sense to explore how you might benefit from soon-to-expire deduction allowances, exemption rules, bracket changes and tax rates. Then, when you also account for recently enacted rules governing RMDs, you may have reasons to shift some assets from tax later to tax never accounts.
As you weigh all your options, consider connecting with a