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Welcome: Trusted advice

Terry Rasmussen, Thrivent President and CEO

For many of us, gathering around the Christmas dinner table to admire the beautiful holiday decorations and share laughter with loved ones is a cherished family tradition. It holds a special place in our hearts as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, relive precious memories and, often, share wisdom with our family members.

When I was younger, returning home to my parents’ farm around the holidays meant grandparents, aunts and uncles eagerly offering to help me navigate life’s opportunities and challenges. I learned their advice was a gift filled with the knowledge, understanding and support from those that walked the path before me.

As I reflect on this Christmas season, I’m reminded of the important role that advice plays in all our lives and the many ways we receive it. Good advice is like a compass, guiding us through life’s many decisions. When we seek it from trusted friends, family, mentors, experts or the teachings of Jesus, we tap into collective wisdom—learning from experience and giving us confidence in our choices from people that we deeply trust.

I’m proud to lead an organization that values and provides trusted advice to our clients. No matter where they’re starting from, Thrivent’s financial advisors help our clients better understand their finances and create a plan that’s guided by their priorities and values. Our focus is unique in the industry, providing purpose-based advice that empowers lives of service and faith.

And that’s important, because advice isn’t just about problem solving; it’s also about personal growth. It challenges our perspectives and helps us see new angles. Good advice empowers us to make informed choices and boosts our confidence—letting us know that we’re not alone in our journey.

As you gather around the table for Christmas this year, consider the power of advice in your own life—both in giving and receiving—and its ability to shape the future for the better. Have a merry Christmas and blessed holiday season.
