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Spread Christmas cheer to seniors

People Images/iStock

Make the holidays merry and bright by supporting your elderly loved ones and neighbors throughout the season.

Deck the halls

The holidays are a magical time filled with get-togethers, feasts and fun. But for older adults, it can be lonely if they don’t have a strong support system. Make their home festive and cheery by helping them decorate for the season. Unpack heavy boxes, hang lights and set up a tree while reminiscing about holiday memories.

Help with errands

Cold weather, snow and ice can make it difficult for some seniors to tackle their to-do lists. Help them buy gifts and groceries, shovel snow and do chores. If they have loved ones who live farther away, offer to tackle their shopping list by ordering and shipping gifts online.

Nurture social connections

Even with all the excitement and festivities, the holidays can be an isolating time for some seniors. Organize a holiday event at home, such as baking Christmas cookies, making ornaments or decorating a gingerbread house. Invite family, friends or neighbors to join in the fun.

Prepare favorite meals or treats

Food is central to the holiday season. Invite others to cook and bake with you as you sing along to Christmas tunes. Surprise them by delivering their favorite batch of cookies to their home. Ask them about their favorite holiday recipes and write them down for future generations.


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