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Budget friendly travel tips

Planning a vacation? Try these money-saving tips on your next trip.

Travel off-peak

Most destinations have off-seasons with fewer tourists. By planning your trip outside of peak travel times, you’re more likely to find cheaper hotel rooms, discounted tours and attractions, and lower flight prices. Research your destination ahead of time to figure out when peak season occurs.

Shop at local markets

Supplement eating at restaurants with grab-and-go options. Visit a grocery store or farmers market to stock up on ingredients for snacks or light meals. It’s a fun way to sample local flavors and try new foods.

Find activities for less

Skip expensive tours and explore your destination’s discounted attractions. Explore a park, go on a hike or hit the beach. Buying tickets to museums (and other attractions) ahead of time can save you money compared to the price at the door.

Maximize credit card perks

Make the most of credit card rewards. In addition to earning points or miles for purchases, many cards offer discounts and perks with airlines, hotels and attractions.

Ride public transit

Taxis, rental cars and rideshares all can add up quickly. If you’re exploring a city, check out the public transportation options. It’s easier on your wallet and a great way to meet locals who can give you insight into daily life in the city.

Avoid extra fees

If you’re traveling abroad and paying with a card, there may be high foreign transaction fees added onto your purchases. Certain credit or debit cards offer unlimited ATM withdrawals and waive fees on purchases. Before you go, research what fees and charges to expect at your destination, and if you can avoid them.
