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4 ways Thrivent can help you build and execute your financial plan

Woman standing in conversation
Steve Widoff

Saving for retirement? Buying a home? Growing your family? You probably have some financial goals in mind, but maybe you're less clear on the steps to take to achieve them.

That's where Thrivent can help. We believe that money is a tool to help get you where you’re going. One key aspect of that is a financial plan, which serves as a roadmap for documenting, clarifying and charting a course for those goals and the order in which you'll tackle them.

Whether you already have a financial plan or are just getting started, we'll equip you with financial resources to meet your needs along the way. And give you guidance within your roadmap to help turn your goals into realities. Here are four things we bring to the table.

1. Money coaching service

Save. Free up your money. Pay off debt. Money Canvas™ can help you with all three—and more. Thrivent's free virtual coaching service takes a look at your money habits and provides thoughtful coaching on budgeting and saving, reducing your bills and controlling your spending through a series of one-hour video meetings. These one-on-one meetings with a financial coach align with helping you achieve your financial goals. And you can get three free sessions.

2. Protection and saving strategies

As you work with a licensed Thrivent financial advisor, they'll evaluate your situation over time and ask the right questions to understand what's important to you. Throughout your ongoing discussions, they may share some products and strategies that might benefit your situation. Those may include:

If you decide to move forward with any product-specific recommendations, your financial advisor may earn a commission. But it's important to know that the final decision is always yours in choosing what belongs (or doesn't belong) in your financial plan, and which areas of focus you'll prioritize.

3. Ongoing investment advice

It can be confusing to decide which investments are best for you. Your Thrivent financial advisor can help you select and build a portfolio that aligns with your financial goals, timeline and risk tolerance. Then provide ongoing advice specific to the investments you own, such as:

While other financial institutions push robo-advisors or automated investing, you can rest assured that your portfolio is developed and professionally managed on a continuous basis by a portfolio manager or your financial advisor. They'll meet with you regularly to keep you updated on your accounts and recommend any changes along the way.

Worth noting: Your Thrivent financial advisor manages these investments for a fee, which is typically a percentage of your assets under management, or from other sources.

4. Personalized objective planning

Go deeper into specific financial topics and get additional analysis through our Dedicated Planning Services program. A Thrivent financial advisor can provide one-time or ongoing advice that includes written and detailed recommendations that you can implement with Thrivent or take with you to a different financial institution. These recommendations are unbiased and committed by contract to serve your best interest.

Some key areas where clients want this level of advice include:

  • Transitioning into retirement
  • Tax-efficient investment strategies
  • Preparing for unexpected events
  • Complex estate planning needs

The cost of this service from a Thrivent financial advisor is typically a flat annual fee paid monthly, quarterly or twice a year.

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Everyone deserves a financial plan and a partnership with someone who can help bring it to life. Our experts live, work and worship in your communities. Whether you’re just getting started or well on your way, they can help you develop a strategy that aligns with your values and achieves your ambitions.

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Investing involves risks, including the possible loss of principal. The product and summary prospectuses for applicable securities (including mutual funds held in an account) and the Thrivent Investment Management Inc. Managed Accounts Program Brochure contain information on investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses, which investors should read carefully and consider before investing. Available at

Thrivent’s Dedicated Planning Service is an investment advisory service designed for you and a financial advisor to review your personal financial position holistically and to plan strategies tailored to help you reach your financial goals. Please review the Thrivent Dedicated Planning Service brochure and Service Agreement for a full description of services offered.

Please review the Thrivent Dedicated Planning Services Brochure and Service Agreement, the Thrivent Managed Accounts Program Brochure, and/or Thrivent product brochures, prospectuses and disclosures for a full description of services offered, including fees, commissions and expenses.

For additional important information, visit

Thrivent provides advice and guidance through its Financial Planning Framework that generally includes a review and analysis of a client’s financial situation. A client may choose to further their planning engagement with Thrivent through its Dedicated Planning Services (an investment advisory service) that results in written recommendations for a fee.

If requested, a licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you and financial solutions, including insurance may be solicited. Insurance contracts have exclusions, limitations and terms under which the benefits may be reduced, or the contract may be discontinued. For costs and complete details of coverage, contact your licensed insurance agent/producer.

Guarantees based on the financial strength and claims paying ability of Thrivent.