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5 ways to amplify your charitable impact

There’s no better way to end your year than by giving back to others in your community. Throughout this season of giving, consider these ways to make the most of your charitable giving.

1. Focus your funds

Instead of contributing small donations to numerous organizations, concentrate your giving by making a larger gift to one or two. This way, you can give greater financial support to the organizations you care about most.

2. Skip the fees

Your donation can go further with the help of a charitable giving program such as Thrivent Choice®. Using Thrivent’s online giving platform, you personally can contribute to the organizations you care about. Thrivent will cover processing fees for your donation, making sure your entire donation goes to your cause.*

3. Give together

Accumulate a larger donation amount by combining your giving with others. A group donation can make a greater financial impact for a nonprofit, and it can be a great way to come together and start a giving tradition with your coworkers, church groups, friends or family members.

4. Use other assets

Money isn’t the only way to make a charitable impact. Consider donating noncash assets, such as publicly traded stock and mutual funds, real estate or life insurance, in addition to any financial gifts.

5. Give beyond the holiday season

Do you have a strong connection with an organization and want to support it more? Consider giving outside the holiday season by pledging a monthly, recurring gift throughout the year. These continuous donations can help organizations plan budgets and manage their cash flow, knowing they can count on sustaining donors like you to support them.

*Thrivent will pay up to $300,000 in online processing fees per calendar year for personal donations made through Thrivent's online giving platform.

The Thrivent Choice® charitable grant program engages Thrivent clients with Membership and Thrivent Member Networks in providing grants that support charitable activities, furthering Thrivent's mission and its purposes under state law. All grant decisions, including grant recipients and amounts, are made at the sole discretion of Thrivent. Directing Choice Dollars® is subject to the program's terms and conditions available at