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Welcome: Follow your heart

Dear Thrivent clients,

I hear every day about clients who are having a positive impact in their community and living out their purpose with the support of their Thrivent financial advisor. There are so many inspiring examples of people who are following their hearts while also mindfully planning for their financial futures—making the most of the blessings God has given them.

You’ll read more about Heather, an elementary teacher in Bismarck, North Dakota, who used a Thrivent Action Team to launch UPLIFT with the help of her Thrivent financial advisor, Kyle Debertin. UPLIFT supplies spiritual, emotional and mental health support for her school’s teachers and staff.

You’ll be inspired in our winter issue by Beth, a breast cancer survivor who felt called to help other women on their journeys from treatment to survivorship. In the early stages of founding her nonprofit organization, Faith Through Fire, Beth and her husband turned to their Thrivent advisor, Brock Howard, to make the leap from her corporate job to creating the nonprofit while maintaining their financial well-being.

Heather and Beth are two of the stories that we’re sharing in our new marketing campaign, which we’re calling Follow Your Heart. It celebrates the impact our clients are making thanks to Thrivent’s financial guidance and meaningful generosity programs.

These stories are an important reminder that we are all on different journeys through life—each distinctive and shaped by our own experiences, choices and goals. And they highlight the importance of pursuing our passions and purpose, while also preparing financially for the future.

Thrivent makes that possible for millions of clients every day. Our financial advisors in communities across the country deliver purpose-based advice and help our clients align their finances with their values so they can make the most of all they’ve been given and lead lives of purpose, service and faith.

My hope is that you enjoy all this fall season has to offer and commit to following your heart—and in doing so, feel a renewed sense of gratitude, generosity and purpose.

Teresa J. Rasmussen
President and CEO
