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What is dedicated planning in financial services?

Steve Widoff

When you work with a financial advisor in a dedicated planning relationship, you can find clarity for where you are today. You also can discover confidence for where you go tomorrow. Thrivent's Dedicated Planning Services, available through our financial advisors, can provide you with objective, personalized recommendations to help you build your financial future and pursue your purpose.

How can personalized objective planning help you?

With Dedicated Planning Services, your financial advisor provides you with objective advice that is in your best interest. While your financial advisor provides accountability around your financial goals, you ultimately decide which recommendations you wish to move forward with. Typical topics include transitioning to retirement, managing income tax implications, preparing for unexpected events, and developing detailed savings strategies for education and other large purchases.

How can you work with a financial advisor to create a dedicated plan?

Dedicated planning revolves around periodic and holistic advice of your personal finances. You may be thinking there's so much to accomplish, where do you start? What order should we address items? What kind of progress can I expect? A financial advisor will focus energy on what's most important to you and plot out a steady path towards working on your financial goals. They can provide an order to what you'll address throughout the relationship and break topics down for you to understand and absorb. Some financial advisors specialize in topics like complex estate planning, business continuation planning, special needs planning and divorce financial planning.

What does dedicated financial planning look like at Thrivent?

Dedicated Planning Services can be executed as a one-time planning engagement, or an ongoing planning relationship. One-time financial planning may work well when you’re experiencing a major life event, such as getting married, having a baby or sending a child to college.

Ongoing planning can take this a step further and help you track your progress over time. Ongoing planning may be able to help you, as things in your life change, course-correct to achieve your goals. For example, ongoing planning could help you complete your first home purchase, then send your children to college. It could help you into your retirement years and sunset planning.

At your discretion, a dedicated planning relationship can continue each year to help you move confidently into the future. Ongoing planning from a Thrivent financial advisor automatically renews each year.

Is there a fee associated with Dedicated Planning Services at Thrivent?

There is a fee associated with Dedicated Planning Services at Thrivent. You and your financial advisor can work together to determine what you can expect to pay. The fee is based on:

  • The scope and level of service.
  • The complexity of your financial situation and related analysis.
  • The experience level and credentials of your financial advisor.
  • Other factors related to your financial situation.

Find a Thrivent financial advisor

Everyone deserves a financial plan. Whether you’re just getting started or well on your way, our financial advisors can help you develop a strategy toward achieving your ambitions.
