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5 ways to reduce travel stress

Preparing ahead of time can make your travel experience more enjoyable

Packing a suitcase for travel

1. Organize important travel documents to reduce travel stress

Traveling by air looks a bit different these days. Check if your airline requires any COVID-19 testing, vaccination or other documents. In addition to packing your credit cards, driver’s license, passport and insurance cards, make copies of them in case they get lost.

2. Give your bank travel notice ahead of time

Whether you’re traveling in or out of the country, give your financial institution a call. Let them know where you’ll be traveling to and what cards or accounts you may be drawing from to avoid what might look like suspicious activity.

3. Pack for travel smartly

Do you know what size suitcase fits in the overhead bin? Research the airline’s luggage guidelines prior to your trip. A few days before the trip, lay out what clothes you think you’ll need, then edit down by finding pieces, like sweaters, that can be used for a few outfits.

4. Clean your home before you leave

No matter how long you’re gone, there’s nothing better than coming back to a clean and organized home. Take the garbage out, put away all dishes, sweep the floors and clean out the refrigerator.

5. Give yourself extra travel time to reduce travel stress

Avoid delays and rushing to make your flight. On the travel day, leave your house with plenty of time to get to the airport. The security line may be longer these days, or you may hit unexpected traffic along the way.

gold line

Author Sofia Haan is content specialist at MSPC.


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